Koidra’s Collaboration on AI for Greenhouse Control Featured in e-GRO Report

September 24, 2024

Seattle, WA, September 2024 – Koidra, a leading innovator in Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions for…

Seattle, WA, September 2024 – Koidra, a leading innovator in Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions for Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA), is proud to announce its contribution to a new report published on e-gro.org. The report, titled A Primer of Artificial Intelligence for Greenhouse Control, highlights the potential of AI, particularly Machine Learning (ML), to transform greenhouse management by optimizing crop production and environmental control.

The collaboration features insights from Kenneth Tran, CTO of Koidra, alongside researchers from The Ohio State University (Chieri Kubota) and Rutgers University (A.J. Both). The report delves into how AI, particularly ML, can enhance decision-making processes in greenhouse operations, enabling more precise and efficient irrigation and climate control systems. By integrating historical data and real-time environmental factors, ML models provide predictions that help growers maintain optimal growing conditions, reducing the need for manual adjustments.

One key aspect discussed in the report is Koidra’s development of DataPilot, a comprehensive data management platform designed to support AI-driven greenhouse systems. DataPilot bridges the gap between traditional agricultural practices and modern AI technologies by offering robust tools for data integration, analysis, and decision-making.

Kenneth Tran expressed his enthusiasm for the growing role of AI in agriculture: “We’re excited to see AI continuing to evolve and play a crucial role in improving efficiency, productivity, and sustainability in greenhouse operations. Through collaborations like this, we’re working towards a future where growers can rely on AI to handle routine tasks, allowing them to focus on strategic decision-making.”

The report emphasizes the importance of a multidisciplinary approach that combines AI with the expertise and knowledge of experienced growers, paving the way for more sustainable and profitable agricultural practices.

For more information on Koidra’s DataPilot and AI-driven solutions, visit www.koidra.ai.

About Koidra

Koidra Inc. is an autonomous control company whose software aids growers in boosting yields, reducing resources, and promoting sustainable agriculture. Supporting the AI copilot technology, this software seamlessly integrates with existing climate computers.

Koidra achieved consecutive wins in the prestigious Autonomous Greenhouse Challenges (AGC) hosted by Wageningen University and Research in the Netherlands. Outperforming experienced cultivators, the company achieved unparalleled yields through its AI solutions.

Koidra has secured grants from esteemed bodies, including the USDA, for its innovative work. By integrating artificial intelligence, machine learning, IoT, and expert insight, the company has developed advanced and robust tools. These tools empower growers and manufacturers to realize production and sustainability goals while minimizing costs.

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